News and Events2019-01-19T16:12:59+06:00

Gewog Agriculture Extension Officers visit to SJI

January 9th, 2022|Categories: News and Events|

We are honored by the visit of the entire Gewog Agriculture Extension Officers, led by the Chief District Agriculture Officer of Samdrup Jongkhar today. We had the opportunity to present our programs and operations, as [...]

Lead Farmer training program

December 30th, 2021|Categories: News and Events|

Four farmers from Pemathang and Phuntshothang gewogs completed a week-long Lead Farmer training program. The training program included the role of Lead Farmers, organic farming practices, production inputs, product development, farm mechanization, marketing, book-keeping, and [...]

Winter Youth Engagement Program

December 23rd, 2021|Categories: Announcements, News and Events|

As we conclude a seven-day introductory pottery training program for 11 local youth, we would like to thank our partner, Garpawoong Middle Secondary School for the support. Apart from our children’s meaningful engagement, the program [...]

A progressive zero-waste craft artisan at Tsangchu-thama

November 17th, 2021|Categories: General, News and Events|

Dechen Dema, a progressive zero-waste craft artisan at Tsangchu-thama satellite town in Samdrup Choling, earns roughly Nu. 5000/- every month selling zero-waste craft products in the local market. This has now become her primary source [...]

   The shortlisted candidates for the post of Program Officer

September 21st, 2021|Categories: Announcements, General, News and Events|

The shortlisted candidates for the post of Program Officer S/N Name Dzongkhag Interview Time 1 Chening Zangmo Pema Gatshel 9:30 AM - 10 AM 2 Chojay Norbu Sarpang 10 AM - 10:30 AM 3 Karma [...]

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