3 young boys from Menchari village participated at the universal human values (UHV) workshop organized by the Royal Education Council at Gaeddu College with the primary objective of strengthening value education in the schools. Menchari youth and SJI representative shared their stories with the 76 participants, large majority of whom were teachers and a few from India.

The 3 young boys from the UHV workshop and the 3 young girls from the mindfulness camp will work together with their community on the softer aspects of development. SJI and its partners will provide the support.


Ganesh ji engaging the participants

Sherab from Menchari sharing his story and concerns regarding his village.

Tshering Penjor from Menchari sharing his experience regarding UHV

Sonam Wangdi from Menchari sharing his experience regarding UHV







Lopen Lungten, director ILCS in Universal Human Value workshop